Friday, April 30, 2010

39.  Because when I left this morning I said "I love you honey, I am going to work," and you said "already??!?" in a cute winey voice.  It is so wonderful to feel missed and needed by you.

40.  Because I get to take engagement pics with you this weekend.

41.  Because you have indulged my desire to go get my nails did and my hair done.  I never treat myself to these things and I am grateful that you are ok with me treating myself.

I love you Michael.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

38.  Because we write love notes to each other in our wedding spreadsheets.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

37.  Because when I forwarded my itinerary for my trip to NYC to you, you responded with "No thank you."   I hate traveling away from you and I miss you when I am gone for only a few hours.  I love you.

Monday, April 26, 2010

35.  Because I get to talk to you throughout the day.  I missed you so much today and I really needed to just talk to you.  You encouraged me and we laughed a little bit and I have been able to have a much better day because of it.  Thank you.

36.  Because you missed me while you were in Vegas and we did some naked hugging right when you got home.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

32.  Because you like my cooking.  This is hugely important to me, and when you get excited about what I cook it makes my spirits shoot into the sky.  We've had two good meals in a row this week which has been really fun, and we've been eating them at the dinner table, which is always such a great time for us to connect.

33.  I love you when you are in bed sleeping and I get out of the shower and you ask me to come lie down.  Well, you don't really ask, you actually make a little sleepy noise and lift up the covers and just hold them up until i join you.  It's pure heaven being there in you stinky sleepy arms.  Truly, one of my favorite things in the world.

34.  BECAUSE I GET TO MARRY YOU!!!!!  It's the best surprise of my life.

Monday, April 19, 2010

30.  Because you keep me calm.  We spent all weekend up in Sonoma with your parents looking at rehearsal dinner sites and I started freaking out a little bit, and you easily calmed me down with gentle words and hugs.  Last week as a whole was insane and you were my anchor.  You kept me sane and relatively calm.

31.  Because we laughed about you calling me Schmoopy all weekend.  I tried to get you to call me that all weekend in front of others, but it ended up being a fun secret joke between the two of much fun!

Friday, April 16, 2010

27.  Because last night you kept saying "I am so drunk off you!  I love love love that you feel that way, because it's how I feel.

28.  Because you made me love Mexican food and tacos so much.  I could eat mexican food every day and I think it's because of you.  I just ate two for lunch and I could even go for more now.  YUM!

29. Because we go on dates.  Tonight we are going on a date to PF Chang's and we are going to have a cocktail, which I know we both need.  It's been a crazy week!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

23.  Because we take turns holding each other up and because of the way you support me, especially when I am crazy.  This has been an insane week - my dad's new life, you maybe getting a job in DC, wedding stuff, work stuff, working out, cooking, friends, new baby Morgan - and you have been my rock through and through.  You are "solid" as we like to say.  I know that sometimes you feel like you are letting us down, but that couldn't be further from the truth.  You really are my foundation, my rock, my heart and soul.

24. Because you treated me to sushi last night when I least expected it.   We both know that we share our money, but you used your own credit card last night, without us even having a conversation about it and it was so sweet.  And you sent a silly text when I drove by the restaurant that read "Dung dada dung dung dun dun dun. Yokahama!"  I love it!

25.  Because of how fun you made picking out my new ring.  You made me feel so special, and you almost got away with walking out of the store without picking your ring.  Because you have been saving up for this diamond ring when you could have been paying down your loans.  Because you are a gentleman and you treat me like a lady, even when I don't necessarily act like it all the time.

26.  Because we both love the giants and the warriors and because this is a love we will share for our lifetimes.  I can't wait to retire and be old and go to giants games all the time.  I'll keep score and you'll yell at the players and we'll both have old hats and gloves and we'll eat peanuts. I love you Michael.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

22.  Because you listen to me when I am having a hard time with things, even if they are silly.  I have had a hard 24 hours and you have patiently listened to me, added in some humor when needed, and just been really sweet to me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

21.  Because you just said: "you're wonderful, you delight me endlessly, with the stuff you say/write" on gchat.  It made me super duper happy.  No one has ever found me funny. 
20.  Because right now, I am telling you about my nightmare from last night on gmail chat and you are being so sweet.  You know that I secretly stress about loosing you, and you are basically telling me that isok:

Michael*: we're together now
we're a mike&heather person
me: yep
Michael*: hahaha
I like seeing it written
 Sent at 10:36 AM on Tuesday

It's a happy.

I love you!

Monday, April 5, 2010

19.  Because last night, after a stinky fart, you stood in our bedroom doorway and waved your arm around trying to get the smell out of the room.  You called it your "windmill."  THEN, you put your other hand of in the air and said that was your "solar panel."  It was one of the funniest things you have ever done and I loved it, I could not stop laughing.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

15.  Because of Mike and Heather time.  Today we had a wonderful time just running errands and hanging out, it was simple fun.

16.  I love you because you look cute after you get a haircut.

17.  Because you let me spoil you and buy you $200 in clothes, and you look darn good trying it on for me.  You look good in just about everything lover.

18.  Because you are making a salad right now.  You just cut into an apple, took a bite, and said "mmmmm.....sooo tastes like jelly beans!"  So cute and sweet.

Friday, April 2, 2010

14.  Because yesterday we came up with the animal you are - a Steggaphant, and the animal I am - an Elesaurus.  And we both had a blast joking about it.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

12.  Because I have been with you for FOUR YEARS!  Wow!  I have pretty much loved you since day one when you were standing on the corner waiting for me to get off the muni train.  The way you hugged me the first time on that corner changed my life.  Ever since then, my life has been slowly orbiting yours - closer and closer - until now I can't live without you.  You are my person and I love you.

13.  Because all this week you have been getting up to make me coffee, half awake, and then getting back in bed.  You are stinky and warm and sleepy, and I love it.