Monday, June 27, 2011

(I can't believe I haven't posted since March! It's not because I haven't loved you since March, it's just that I forget to post. If anything these last few months have been the best of our relationship. I love just keeps growing and growing and growing and it fills me with such joy, every day, that I feel like I am going to explode.)

I love you for the way you are handling this new job offer. You are considering all the options, being fair to Centerstance and Tommy but really considering this offer. I love that you are thinking about your long term career and our family.

I am leaving for a 2.5 week trip to Europe in eight days and I can't imagine leaving you for that long. I am going to Sarajevo, Paris, Zurich, and Tel Aviv and am freaking out. There is now way I would be able to accomplish my dreams of traveling for work and get to do so many amazing things if it weren't for your support. I love you for this.

You played "WIFE" in our phone app scrabble game. It made my day.

Monday, March 7, 2011

You won the TETRIS - Dance of the sugar plum fairies battle of several years this weekend. It was very difficult for me swallow my pride and admit you won but you treated me like the perfect gentleman.

We finished painting our blue bedroom this past weekend with touch-up and just hanging out with you doing an activity was so much fun.

You have the best and most cutest butt wiggle of all time. I dream about it. It makes me smile at random points throughout the day. I even want to buy you more awesome boxes to supplement the butt wiggle.

Monday, February 28, 2011

147. Except for the Salmonella incident, for the first time in five years we're both sick at the same time, probably with the same cold. It's miserable and yet somehow so much better then me being sick on my own. I wish you weren't sick but I think if there is anyone I would want to be sick with it would be you.

148. Cold drugs make you a space cadet! This drives me crazy but I think it's cute at the same time.

149. We are going to Miami in a month! No worky, no phone calls, just beach, drinks and a very good time with my husband. Hopefully I'll get a few workouts before then!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

145. I was driving home last night, and I figured out that I'd like to write you a poem. When I started thinking about what I would write, the words just poured out of me. You are such an amazing inspiration for me.

146. You are a good friend to all those you care about, especially Hartmeyer this last few months. He (and we) are lucky to have you! I admire you so much for this.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

144. I had a freakout last night because my back was killing me. I was going to go pick up the keys for our new spot in SF and I was on the phone with you and I was beyond cranky. You were very patient with me, and suggested all sorts of reasonable solutions and I was being crazy and upset and and just not going to accept anything no matter what. There was no way I was going to be able to get through that 90 min of my life without you, and I am so grateful.

Friday, January 28, 2011

141. Last night you came to bed and asked "Can we just hang out and talk?" Then you said "I don't have anything to talk about, I just want to talk to you." Then we were really silly for about an hour and then we went to sleep. You are all I need in this life.

142. You really like sammiches. Any kind of sammich, and this includes tacos. You got really excited yesterday when I made my cupcake into a sammich.

143. I get to move back to San Francisco with you! This weekend we are packing up our Redwood City apartment! YAY!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

138. You just told me that you like it when I like stuff..hahahaha. This must be the secret to a happy marriage, because I feel the same way.

139. When I turned on the warriors game last night (you were in the kitchen) you went "OOOOOO, I love you wifey"

140. You let me watch The Bachelor, and do the best Brad Womack impression ever.

Monday, January 24, 2011

134. I love how you've handled this latest surgery. You are so strong and so patient, and freaking cute when you are on drugs!

135. We laugh so much, all the time, it's amazing.

136. I get to move back to San Francisco with you in two weeks! I am so excited to run around the city with you.

137. I know you won't be upset at me for not posting more frequently when you finally get this gift in a little less then 10 years.