Friday, January 28, 2011

141. Last night you came to bed and asked "Can we just hang out and talk?" Then you said "I don't have anything to talk about, I just want to talk to you." Then we were really silly for about an hour and then we went to sleep. You are all I need in this life.

142. You really like sammiches. Any kind of sammich, and this includes tacos. You got really excited yesterday when I made my cupcake into a sammich.

143. I get to move back to San Francisco with you! This weekend we are packing up our Redwood City apartment! YAY!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

138. You just told me that you like it when I like stuff..hahahaha. This must be the secret to a happy marriage, because I feel the same way.

139. When I turned on the warriors game last night (you were in the kitchen) you went "OOOOOO, I love you wifey"

140. You let me watch The Bachelor, and do the best Brad Womack impression ever.

Monday, January 24, 2011

134. I love how you've handled this latest surgery. You are so strong and so patient, and freaking cute when you are on drugs!

135. We laugh so much, all the time, it's amazing.

136. I get to move back to San Francisco with you in two weeks! I am so excited to run around the city with you.

137. I know you won't be upset at me for not posting more frequently when you finally get this gift in a little less then 10 years.