(I can't believe I haven't posted since March! It's not because I haven't loved you since March, it's just that I forget to post. If anything these last few months have been the best of our relationship. I love just keeps growing and growing and growing and it fills me with such joy, every day, that I feel like I am going to explode.)
I love you for the way you are handling this new job offer. You are considering all the options, being fair to Centerstance and Tommy but really considering this offer. I love that you are thinking about your long term career and our family.
I am leaving for a 2.5 week trip to Europe in eight days and I can't imagine leaving you for that long. I am going to Sarajevo, Paris, Zurich, and Tel Aviv and am freaking out. There is now way I would be able to accomplish my dreams of traveling for work and get to do so many amazing things if it weren't for your support. I love you for this.
You played "WIFE" in our phone app scrabble game. It made my day.