Tuesday, June 29, 2010

84.  Even though I am at this fancy party in Toronto, it doesn't even compare to hanging out on the couch with you and joking around.  It would have been a million times better if you were here.

85.  Because you told me today that I am never allowed to wear a mumu.

Friday, June 25, 2010

81.  I get to marry you three months from today.  I can't wait!  I love you so much!

82.  You are being so sweet to me as my Virgin America deal is blowing up - making me sammiches, taking good care of me generally and putting up with my crankiness.

83.  You fit in so well with my family down here in Del Mar.  In a lot of ways I think you are doing better then I am this long weekend.  They are not an easy crowd and you treat everyone so well.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

80.  We are down in San Diego and we just got out of the water.  It was so fun to get to play with you in the water, even though hopping back in was difficult, it was great.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

78.  I had so much fun watching the US beat Algeria today and qualify for the next round in the world cup.  You and I were freaking out on the couch and I was so happy that we got to watch them win together.

79.  My very first deal for NBD at Google is blowing up in my face right now and you helped me calm down and handle the situation.  You compared it to when you step up to the high dive as a little kid - the longer you wait - the scarier it becomes.  Sometimes you just have to jump quickly and get it over with.  You were so right.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

76.  You sounded like you are having so much fun at Mooner's bachelor party, including winning worst mustache!  I love your dirty mustache.

77.  I got in a fight with my mom over wedding stuff this weekend while you were at Mooner's Magical weekend and I was feeling so lost until you called.  That phone call this morning was short and sweet but it was so important to me.   You comforted me and made me laugh and made me feel like everything was back to being right in the world and that I wasn't lost.  I can't wait to see you tomorrow and hug you.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

73.  You are walking today for the first time in five weeks!  You are in pain but you are such a good sport about it.  We are calling it your "gangsta lean" and it's a mean one.

74. You let me hold you last night when you were crying.  I can't tell you how important it is to me to be your person and I will always always be here for you.

75.  You like the eggs I cook and I love cooking them for you.  It's such a simple happy thing but it makes me feel like my life is worth something really special.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

71.  This morning we were sitting on the couch and you told me to go get in bed, and then you made love to me.   It was wonderful.

72.  You did so much work this week on the wedding and you are going up to Santa Rosa tonight to do more.  I really appreciate all your help lover.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

68.  You chewed on your hands today because you were nervous during the USA v UK world cup game.

69.  You jumped up and hopped up and down on one leg when the US tied it 1-1.

70.  You are cute when you are drunk.

Friday, June 11, 2010

65.  This morning, in the middle of the first 2010 World Cup game between South Africa and Mexico, you said "Oh my god, this is like Christmas morning!"  It was perfect and wonderful.

66.  I get to watch the whole 2010 World Cup with you and enjoy your reaction allll month.

67.  You look sexy in our engagement pictures.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

62.  Because even though we were both heart broken last night we took care of each other.  I love you so much Michael and I know that you are due for some good luck soon.

63.  Because I will get to celebrate the most with you when you get a job that you love.

64.  Because I have Lullaby by the Dixie Chicks stuck in my had and it makes me think of you and smile.  "How long do you want to be love?  Is forever enough, is forever enough?"

Monday, June 7, 2010

59.  Because of how you were with Tommy and Mooney this weekend in Portland.  Really, because of how you treat everyone in your life.  You are so good Michael, so kind, honest, with firm limits and a gentle hand.  I love how happy and silly you are with the guys.

60.  Because of the way you looked at me when I was holding Abby's sleeping niece.  It was with such love and happiness.  I can't wait until we have kids and I get to see that look all the time.

61.  Because this morning when you were sleepy, you had your head behind my back and you said "you smell funny" in the cutest voice.