Wednesday, July 28, 2010

94.  You surprised me at work with a gorgeous orchid and you ate lunch with me.  YOU SPOIL ME! 

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

89.  We figured out yesterday that we were a little (ok way) over our wedding budget.  It was scary and stressful but we are going to get through it.  At the end of the phone conversation (because I was at work at the time) I said "I am so glad I am marrying you" and I meant EVERY WORD of that.  I just can't do this life without you.

90. You tell me all the time now "I love your face"

91.  You call me "Snacks!"  All different kinds of snacks - stinky snacks, sleepy snacks....

92.  When you were sleepy last week before you dropped me off at the airport to go to NYC, you said "I'm going to mail dis" and you stomped over to the mail boxes at our apartment complex.

93.  In the middle of making love a couple nights ago, we had a little moment where we were kind of was HOT.

Friday, July 23, 2010

After almost a month of technical difficulties, we are back in business!  So much goodness was missed, but I have to try to not be sad...

85.  I love you because of how well you officiated Abby and Jonathan's wedding.  You were simply admirable in the way you handled it from start to finish.  I was so impressed.  It was truly PERFECT.  I sat there in the audience in awe of you, and so proud to be your lady.

86.  I get to marry you eight weeks from TOMORROW!  Holy shit!  I can't wait.

87.  We joked about you being "my purpose" on the phone while I was in NYC this week...but it's true.  You have given me myself.  You have shown me how I want to live my life, and even more then that you have give me your love.  It's the best thing to ever happen to me.